Tag: market basket

  • Count down to the festive season!

    Wow now it’s November – we have been to France and are now into the busy season! We have some many markets coming up – some with a French flavour or just good old fashioned local community events. Springs feel more like summer and this means lots of great trips to beaches, parks and pool…

  • Off to France!

    Here is our little update for September and October. We are lucky enough to have a trip to France mid September to mid October this year so please find all the details of our markets before we go and after we return. If you want to catch up on our travels remember to follow 2…

  • August

    August is here and Spring almost around the corner. We are just back from our annual trip to Melbourne and the Life Instyle trade show. Another great fair completed. Coming up this month is the start of the Spring fair season we have a few great events. We are looking forward to a trip to…

  • May

    Wishing every one a very happy first of May! A day to wish happiness to all. ย The tradition is to bring a lovely little bouquet to your nearest and dearest. It’s one of our favourite French traditions. We are also getting ready to celebrate Mother’s Day and the place of Mothers in our lives. Whilst…

  • April and Autumn

    With autumn on it way, baskets just are perfect for foliage, harvesting and storing fruit and vegetables. ย This is one of ย our wonderful open weave baskets seen in Cedar Cicada Mudgee ย looking beautiful – merci Lucy. Find this basket and many more over on the shop pageย https://2ducktrading.com.au/product/leather-trim-open-weave-rectangle-large/ We have a busy month ahead with many…

  • They have arrived at last!

    We have finally unpacked the new container and have all our baskets now updated and back in stock on the My Shop page. It is so great to have all our favourites back in stock plus some new ones as well.ย  Fete de l’amour We have the perfect baskets to celebrate. Silver, gold and the…

  • Happy New Year!!

    We can’t believe that it is January 2019 already. ย Summer is finally here and so happy that our wait for baskets is almost over. I had a quick swim at our local beach the other day and it was 2 duck baskets everywhere – such a great sight to see. While we wait for the…

  • September and Spring!!

    Once we come to September it is Spring and the perfect time to dust off your baskets for markets, picnics etc. This is a busy month for 2 duck with Spring fairs and events. Plenty of opportunities to find us some ย where in your local neighbourhood.   Basket of the Month Our rectangle baskets are…

  • Coming events!

    Celebration of the 14th July!!     Join 2 duck trading co and many other great French focused business to celebrate the French national day. Excellent shopping, food, wine and entertainment for all. 8th July – ย Club Willoughby.   2 duck trading co.      

  • June

    About the baskets Little known fact about the baskets!! The majority of the styles we have are made of palm leaf harvested in the Atlas Mountains. Often the baskets are thought to be made of straw, grass or wicker, however they are woven from a sustainably harvested palm leaf (see pictured) that grows naturally in…