Category: Events

  • April

    Mother’s Day is coming in early May – we have the perfect Mother’s Day presents which are beautiful, practical for many Mother’s daily lives and ethical too. What better place to get a pressie for your Mum. As the Autumn days come on us we notice we are selling more baskets for harvesting and gathering…

  • October

    We have landed back in Sydney in time for a few markets at the end of the month and of course our new shipment of baskets!! Our birthday!! It is also 10 years since we took over 2 duck trading co and we are so delighted to celebrate with all our new baskets!! Here is…

  • September

    Spring and don’t we love it!!  While we wait for our new shipment of baskets to arrive  we still have plenty of great baskets to enjoy getting out in the spring conditions.  All our rectangle baskets are great for picnics and our classic baskets just swing over the shoulder and away you go!! We are lucky…

  • August

    As plastic bag free July draws to a close how wonderful to see some movement from our large supermarket chains regarding single use plastic bags. I can’t believe it has taken so long!! I lived in France in the 90’s and single use plastic bags had been phased out many years before, so that a…

  • Vive la révolution!!

      July will be a busy month in the  2 duck trading calendar. Normally we are in France but this year we are here get to be part of the Bastille Revolution Festival and we are soo excited. We have lots of new St James styles coming for the festival.   Basket of the…

  • April update.

    As I write the rain is pelting down and I am thinking of friends and stockists living and working on the East Coast – wow it is wet. This is from Sydney and I am sure it is much worse elsewhere. Seems like we have had unprecedented rains of late. This is giving new meaning to…

  • Noël Noël

    We have arrived at December and the final month of the year!! We still  have lots of markets, some great events and one more pop up shop for the year  to come.  Plenty of baskets, St James teeshirts  online too. Online orders – we are posting everyday at the moment and will make every effort…

  • September – Spring!!

    September marks the beginning of the Spring fairs and the advent of good weather! We love it at 2 duck!! We are also waiting for our new shipment and will have lots of great new baskets coming plus all of our favourite classics. More info to come. Also as many of you know I love…

  • August

    We are back from France and right into everything! Next week 2 duck trading co heads to Melbourne for the Life Instyle trade fair – Back to the Source. What could be more back to the source than 2 duck and our fantastic, natural and sustainable baskets. We are delighted to be showcasing our new…

  • Off to France

    Time for our annual pilgrimage to France.  This little house needs some more love and attention. We are back from France mid July but all our online sales are still operational in our absence. We will be collecting more vintage linen and checking out all the latest trends. Follow us on Instagram for our adventures.…