August update

Wow who can believe that we are almost in August! ย We should be down in Melbourne at the August trade fairs and preparing for the coming busy season but this year has had other plans for us.

The best news of the week is that our new shipment will be here by mid September and we will have our full range of baskets back in stock! ย It is always so hard when the full collection becomes reduced and so great when we get the new delivery. ย I will keep you updated of the shipments progress! Happy dancing!!

In the mean time we still have plenty of baskets available. Check out this month’s basket. ย As I write today is the last day of plastic free July but lets keep up the good work and use the baskets and other sustainable products to help reduce our plastic use.


Basket of the Month

The rustic weave oval baskets are lovely. The palm leaf is a wonderful warm golden colour. ย As you use the basket it just naturally expands to carry all your shopping. ย This basket is available in medium and large sizes both with the short palm leaf handle. Pop into the links for either basket.ย ย  ย





Great to be able to say we are now back at Cambridge market EQ every Saturday at the Entertainment Quarter in the showing from 8am to 2pm. ย See you there.





Also brilliant to say that Carriageworks Farmers market is restarting on the 8th August. We will be there for the reopening market. ย 8am to 1pm. We are planning a warehouse sale for the reopening.ย Yippee. We will also be there Saturday 22nd August too.


Covid Safe ย  ย 



At ย 2 duck trading co we are a doing our best to be Covid Safe. We offer contactless payment, have hand sanitiser available, will maintain required social distancing ย and undertake not to come to the market if we are feeling unwell. Lets all keep safe.



Coming events

The Bastille Marketย  after being forced to postpone has rescheduled to the weekend 19/20 September as a 2 day event celebrating all things French. ย  More info about this market or pop on to facebook for all the info. ย

All the best and stay safe from 2 duck

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